In the Environment market, HPK assists its local and international clients that include investors, developers, donor agencies, industries and oil & gas companies. HPK offers a full range of services in environmental engineering and environmental management, incorporating all environmental and engineering tasks from inception through to project completion.
HPK has undertaken a number of environmental assessments (EAs) to meet the requirements of both government legislation and the guidelines of international funding agencies. Its approach to the EA process in essence examines the environmental consequences of developmental actions in advance. The emphasis, compared with many other mechanisms for environmental protection is on prevention and where unavoidable on effective mitigation measures for sustainable development. An EA identifies, describe and assess the significance of the direct and indirect impacts of a project on the following factors:
- Physical (soil, water, air, climate, noise and the landscape)
- Biological (flora and fauna)
- Socio-economic (Human beings, sustenance income, drinking water, employment, gender equality, mobility & transportation, community grievances, health, safety, religion)
- Material, assets and cultural heritage
- Interaction between the above.