Established in 1993 by Halcrow Group of UK, Halcrow Pakistan (HPK) is one of the major engineering consulting firms in Pakistan. With over 21 years of experience in delivering large multi-disciplinary projects to small-scale specialist assignments in Pakistan as well as overseas, HPK has established itself as a leading engineering company that has its own identity in Pakistan. With the acquisition of Halcrow Group by CH2M HILL, HPK operates as an independent company that was formerly part of Halcrow Group.
HPK's ability to integrate local teams with international experts from other parts of Halcrow Group continuously brings international best practices to its clients. The diversity of the services we offer means HPK has a solution for its clients no matter what their challenges are.
Clients remain at the centre of HPK's operations and we ensure that HPK contributes in projects as a stake-holder. With a staff strength of over 200 located in offices in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Sukkur and Swat, HPK has and continues to deliver projects for clients that include donor agencies, international funding institutions, international oil and gas companies, international consulting and construction companies, planners and architects, private infrastructure developers, private property developers, contractors, industrial conglomerates, non-government organizations and selected local and government authorities. Some of our key clients include USAID, DFID, Asian Development Bank, The World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Halcrow Group Limited, Mott McDonald International, CH2M HILL, Hutchison Port Holdings, OMV, BHP, MOL, Premier Oil, Petronas, KUFPEC and ENI.
Our key to success is our ability to work closely with our clients; understand their challenges; and deliver timely, innovative, sustainable and effective solutions.
HPK's design capabilities include offering engineering design and CAD services remotely from Pakistan to its clients based in countries including UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Afghanistan, UK and Poland. With state-of-the-art communication facilities including connectivity via telephone, high speed internet, communication software and video conferencing, HPK remains integrated with its clients' design management teams no matter where they are located. HPK's strategy to locate its core design teams in large cities of Pakistan (Karachi and Islamabad) enables it to reach out to its clients' offices on short notice.
Conducting our business in a manner that:
HPK integrates its requirements for safety, health, environmental and quality management with other business requirements, into a single system - BMS. This governs our business processes and employee responsibilities enabling us to deliver services efficiently, effectively, consistently and safely, with due regard to sustainable development and the environment whilst meeting the relevant local legislative requirements.
BMS establishes and maintains an economic and effective framework to provide assurance that the services provided by Halcrow Pakistan will meet the requirements of clients, international standards, legislation and Halcrow Pakistan's management. It takes account of the fact that each commission is unique and demands an individually planned approach by the project team, driven by a competent Project Manager.
Standards and certification
BMS is designed to meet the requirements of the following three standards, without exclusions:
ISO 9001 - Quality management systems
ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems
BS OHSAS 18001 - Occupational health and safety management systems
Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Policy
The policy of Halcrow Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd (HPK) in managing its business is embodied within the HPK vision which defines the principles of our Company together with our goal. Our principles, which are made up of our purpose, values and conduct ensure that our goal 'to be recognized as the consultant that clients and partners naturally seek out when addressing their greatest challenges' is delivered through following processes that provide services in a highly professional manner.
HPK's policy for Health, Safety, Environment and Quality applies to all projects through the implementation of the HPK Business Management System, which meets in an integrated manner the requirements of relevant standards, in particular ISO 9001, ISO 14001and OHSAS 18001, in pursuit of its primary objectives & the purpose and the context of the organization.
HPK’s management will ensure continual improvement encompassing all facets of the organization by committing to providing satisfaction to all of our clients, our employees, our partners, other stakeholders, interested parties and the communities we work in by meeting the agreed requirements, applying best practice, incorporating the required degree of skill and care, complying with legislation and seeking continual improvement, whilst making appropriate profits. Therefore, we continually strive to understand and meet and whenever possible exceed their needs and expectations.
HPK is committed to meeting its health and safety responsibilities to its employees, its clients and the wider public. We seek to minimize the health and safety risks for all employees whilst at work and for all other people arising out of our work. In particular, we are committed to ensuring that construction works emanating from studies or designs prepared by us can be safely built, properly used and maintained in a safe manner and without undue risk for the life cycle of the asset.
HPK is committed to reduce the negative impacts of its operations through proactive energy efficiency, sustainable resource use, waste avoidance & reduction, water conservation, re-use and recycling initiatives, prevention of injury and ill health, protection of the environment, prevention of pollution, climate change mitigation and adaptation, the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems and any other specific commitments which are relevant to the context of the organization.
HPK is fully committed to providing services that are consistent with all compliance obligations, codes of practice and all other requirements applicable to our activities including the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities and services. With our purpose of ‘sustaining and improving the quality of people's lives' at the heart of our business, we seek to achieve our business objectives in a manner that cause least harm to the environment and, as far as is reasonably practicable, achieve environmental benefits. Appropriate information and training is provided to enable employees to apply the business measures. Effectiveness is regularly monitored and action taken to address any shortcomings.
USAID/Pakistan has, in cooperation with USAID Office of Inspector General, established the Anti-Fraud Hotline to provide an avenue for the reporting of fraud, waste and abuse which may be associated with USAID funded projects in Pakistan. Complaints are handled with complete confidentiality and individuals are encouraged to report when corruption, fraud, waste or abuse may exist in the USAID/Pakistan projects.
Reports can be filed anonymously via:
Easy-to-use Hotline and toll free number: 0800 84700
Fax: 021-35390410
Postal address:
5-C, 2nd Floor Khayban-e-Ittehad
Phase VII
DHA, Karachi